What knowledge explorers really want

(Updated 7/1/2019)

“As a knowledge explorer, I want to accomplish the following, quickly and easily, and have fun while doing it:

1. Access information from different sources and be able to go as deeply or as broadly as I want, for as long as I want, staying up-to-date as conditions change

2. Discover the deep, underlying laws and principles governing what’s happening on the surface

3. Organize and express what I know and what I don’t know

4. Share what I’ve learned

5. Experience the joy of seeking, discovering, and learning more

6. Belong to a group of like-minded individuals who share a passion to investigate, learn and improve

7. Belong to groups of individuals who vehemently disagree about certain topics

8. Make informed decisions, take action, and observe the results in order to keep improving.”

What would you add to this list?  Or change?

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