We reject a one-size-fits-all approach to learning.  Rather, we seek ways for each individual to identify and apply learning behaviors in ways that reinforce positive patterns and correct negative tendencies. While rote learning has its place, guided self-discovery results in better understanding, a greater sense of accomplishment, and a desire to learn more. People in all stages of learning need to discover problems and solutions on their own, rather than having them dictated by an instructor, textbook, or other authority. Teachers should not even be asking exam questions.  Students should write their own questions, then answer those questions in ways that express and reinforce the insights they’ve gained during the discovery process. When teachers do ask questions, they should be evocative, helping to draw out knowledge (the literal meaning of “educate”), rather than aiming to generate a test score to be rated against some standard or statistical curve. Handwritten narrative not only promotes learning at a deep structure (memory engram) level, it helps reverse acquired learning disabilities caused by excessive exposure to rote learning and other negative influences. Mathematics is an excellent way to begin the deep learning process, as it forms a solid foundation for learning and understanding in other disciplines. Writing about mathematics has to be precise.  This carries over into all other disciplines. Deep learning through guided self-discovery results in not just knowing more about the world, but more importantly, knowing one’s own self. - The founders and associates of the Second School Network
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